Feburary 2025 New England Mesh Roundtable Recording
Here is the recording from the Feburary 2025 New England Mesh Roundtable meeting.
Here is the recording from the Feburary 2025 New England Mesh Roundtable meeting.
Here is the recording from the January 2025 New England Mesh Rountable meeting.
Here is the recording from the December 2024 New England Mesh Rountable meeting.
I have started running a monthly roundtable for New England Hams into Mesh Networking. Particularly AREDN and the like. Here is the recording from the November meeting last night.
I am fairly active on 33cm (900 MHz), and the FCC just let everyone know that some company just went "Hey! Nice allocation there! Wouldn't it be better if we had it instead?" Needless to say, I was perturbed, and the proposed allocation would make most of the ways I …
I have never had any kind of "permenant" installation at my QTH. Since I had a house, my office has been subterranian, leading me to either have a setup that is mobile or something that can be carried out to the deck and quickly set up and torn down. This …
I have been tinkering with AREDN as of late when I saw that they supported some of the GL.inet line of devices, which I enjoy as they are cheap, fairly well engineered, designed on top of OpenWRT. I am, unfortunately, 10 miles away from the nearest node and I …
Hello and welcome to my corner of the web. A little about me almost ripped wholesale from my QRZ.com bio: I have always been into radios ever since I was young, first listening to my father's police scanner and later my grandfather's old Hallicrafters SX-110. I was first licensed …